Ready for a tripped-out ride down the universal plane train?



Just remember, you guys asked for this. LOL


If you aren’t already aware, my name is Elise (or Ashley, to the Muggle world) and I am a claircognizant empathic medium. What that means is that I am a total weirdo. For real though, it means I can communicate with spirits, I can feel imprints of emotions, and I know random spooky shit that is super hard to explain. Sounds like a really fine time, right? Suuuuuure….?


The topic for today’s blog is letting the lid of my Pandora’s box open just enough for you all to be completely confused. Doesn’t that sound fun?! Feel free to ask me questions below in the comments, or you could just pretend I never said anything and we will never speak of this again. Tally-Ho!


Every day is a blur of emotions and lights, which have nothing to do with what I feel or whether the electricity is working. How do you explain to people that when you are startled or threatened you don’t register with the typical fight or flight response? Every other moment things fly past my vision and around my body with the speed of light, but I have trained myself to not react. I must fit in with normal beings. I can’t allow myself to be startled every moment, so I have just become stoic.


When I feel things, it isn’t just emotions, it is feelings of generations of my past lives all culminated into one bodily response. Loving someone deeply makes me remember the love I have felt before and how I am so lucky to feel it again. Losing someone I cared for doesn’t signal an end, the happiness of knowing them pulls your through the grief. The knowledge that you will see them again cradles you like a loving embrace.


Time is nothing but a construct created by a linear species. I work very hard to pretend to fit in and do what other people do, but sometimes it is hard to explain why I just don’t care if someone was rude to me 3 years ago. This body of mine loves to hash out emotions that tie me to the hear and now, but once my consciousness overrides the chemicals coursing through my body, I can finally separate myself from my actions. Looking back, I regret so many things, but not what you would think I should regret. I regret the way I could not be more patient with others. I regret that I couldn’t control my anger more often. I regret not being there for people that I should have been. You may think that all these regrets seem typical for any individual, but if I explained specifically each situation you would wonder why that moment even mattered. I believe that the little things are more important in the long run than any one large situation.


My thoughts are constantly jumbled with things that seem insignificant to the average individual. My sensitivity is off the charts and I can feel every fluctuation and alteration around me. I feel when the moon is full. I feel the earth rotating when I still my mind. I can tell when something bad happens in the world because I can feel everyone within a ten-mile radius feels it too. I feel when my neighbors are going through a life-change, because I can feel it in the atmosphere. I can feel when the earth shifts under my feet and I know there will be seismic activity soon. I can feel every loss of life and every beginning of a new life’s journey. I can hear the trees and know when they are communicating to one another.


We are part of the same system, all created from water and stardust. People are literally bags of fluids inside other bags of fluids that are being controlled by invisible pressures and magnetic waves. Our soul is a spark of light that lives temporarily within this fragile bag of fluid. Once our bodily shell has served its purpose, the spark that is our soul moves on to another existence.


I realize how absolutely insane all of this sounds, but bear with me.


If the consciousness is elevated enough, the bodies signals can be interrupted and even stopped. Pain is just a signal sent from one nerve center to another. Buddhists who achieve the highest states of meditation can elevate their minds eye (their soul) above the physical realm. That allows their soul to become simultaneously attached and unattached to their bodily vessel. If done right, they can forgo consuming food or water for longer than the human body should. Raising the consciousness up to that level can alter physical mass to a cellular level.


My abilities are not that refined…yet. I can rise above pain and block the signal from getting to my brain. I can slow my breath and heart-rate to a ridiculously low function. The negative aspect to this is the inability to function in high heat, due to a side effect that comes with being able to control your higher plain of existence which is low blood pressure. Low blood pressure and heat do not mix, it causes fainting, blurred vision, nausea, fatigue, and severe dehydration within minutes. I tend to go into a survival-mode and get extremely tired, so I will lock myself away in order to get my head back in a positive frame of mind.


Meditation is one of the only ways to get your mind to focus into the astral plane. If you still yourself, mentally and physically, you can actually begin to tap into the universe’s source of knowledge. It is legit. This is the real deal and can only be attained by meditation in some form, every single day. My meditation is reading to my my son every night before bed. Since I was a child, I had a hard time reading because of the amount of concentration it required, which would cause severe fatigue in a very short time. For a while I didn’t see the benefit of that much exertion. But as I grew into adolescence I realized the ritual became an integral part of my daily centered-ness. The focus alone trained my mind to release and succumb to the void that is the universe. Everyone has that mindless thing they do every single day in order to feel normal, that is what this is, that is your meditation.


That is enough of this for now. You all should get a general idea of what I am getting at, but if you don’t, just keep trying. It will come to you. You are not lost, your mind is not broken, you just need to find your own path to the universal consciousness. No one can ever take you there, you have to make it your own, and trust me – it is worth it.


Get in touch with me if you want to chat some more, my number and email are listed at the top of my website. Don’t be shy.


A. Elise Smith










Psychics and the Media


People with abilities generally avoid watching the news. They may scan the highlights online or in a newspaper, but in general they will avoid it at all cost.

Here is a list of reasons why.
– Too much negativity and fear, all on easily accessible devices.
– Aggressive language, commentary, and confrontational discussions. This is just how the news is created and aired, they want dramatic effect and this is the best way to attain it.
– Constant flow of imagery that is scary or overwhelming. When reading the news, you have a general idea of what you are getting yourself into, but on the TV, there is no control of what you will see. It happens, and before you can register what you witnessed, it is over and the next subject is flashing before your eyes.
– Too many people/places/situations that need positive energy and healing, causing us to expel too much in order to better others. We may not even realize that we do it, but we instinctually want to help by sending positive energy to those in need. Those that believe energy waves are tangible objects, truly believe they are doing good for others by doing this. But sometimes with so many cases of people in need, the energy is given too freely and without consideration of what it could do to the person giving it.
– We feel it too, as we see it. Like putting ourselves in others shoes, the news being mostly negative situations can cause us to essentially be tortured through visual association.
– Some of us, with abilities so powerful, we can connect with the dead just by seeing a picture of them. Which could cause spirits to come to us and have trouble leaving, which can be dangerous to the person with abilities. Without knowing the full story behind the spirit, they could unknowingly invite a spirit that intends harm into the persons safe space.
– The anxiety that comes from the inability to help in any way. This is of course true for most people who have empathy in general, many of you will understand this.
– Much of the subjects discussed are told in a way to reach out and grab people’s attention, people with abilities are already sensitive to everyday subtleties of communication and body language. It is essentially like being forced to watch all your nightmares in rapid succession with maximum intensity.
– For some a physical reaction can happen almost immediately, such as uncontrollable crying, nausea, vomiting, past psychology trauma triggers, and sometimes a complete shut down of all emotions.

My personal experience with the media is incredibly censored, I do not watch the news on TV if I can avoid it. Most of the time I will simply leave the room, but in cases where that is not an option I have to find other means. I make sure I have noise cancelling earphones with me at all times. I either put on calming music or background noise, but in cases where that is not an option, I will put in the headphones anyway to dull the noise. In most work environments these days there is some form of news on constantly, the trick is to turn the volume down or mute it completely, if you have the ability to.
An important thing I would like to note is that I do not try to force others to avoid watching the news. Just because I have an aversion to television-specific news does not mean I have the right to condemn others for watching it. For some, keeping abreast of the information throughout the world is a comfort. I would like my readers to take that into consideration. One person’s safe place could be another person’s version of hell (and vice versa).

One of the most common attributes of most psychic individuals is the sensitivity to things around them, otherwise known as being Empathic. Most people have experienced this in certain instances in their life, like when a loved one is hurt, you can genuinely feel their pain in those moments. Keep in mind that most people who have psychic abilities (or variations of it) can experience those moments continuously. Just take that in. Needless to say, the last thing a person like that wants to do is experience a constant flood of negativity by watching the news.

To be blunt, it sucks. For me, it is like being in physical pain. I hate it, and I have a hard time not snapping at people watching the news with the volume on blast. Twitter has become my new best friend when it comes to keeping up with the news of the world. I get alerts for when things happen locally that concern me, but other than that I generally just keep an eye on what is being talked about or what pops up on the headlines. Anything more than that and I am overwhelmed, and when that occurs it can lay me out for days.

I hope you all had a good holiday.

A. Elise


Forest Spirits


I recently had a wonderful experience camping in Lake Anna, VA and it was the epitome of welcoming. It was surprising because that area has been well developed over time. Usually with the development of civilization it causes anger from the forest spirits of the area, but this time it did not feel like that at all. We had barely unpacked our tents before the forest spirits came out in droves with the energy of a flock of toddlers who refuse to nap. They danced in circles around us like wisps of vapor, it was amazing to watch, and the energy emanating from them was tangible.

It looked like a cross between shadows and mist running past my peripheral vision. They were 4 feet off the ground, but did not actually make contact with the earth, like fluid smoke swimming through the air. They would shift their form, first taking on the shape of a fox, then a boar, a deer, a goat, a fish, a hawk… It was beautiful. The energy coming from them was palpable and made your skin literally tingle from the encounter. It was by far one of the most rewarding, magical, and enlightening experiences I have ever had. I am looking forward to the next time I visit, which will be in April, and I cannot wait to see them. It was like encountering old friends from a distant life you had once lived. They were there, remembering for you, waiting for you, to come home to them.

For 4 days I sat among the edge of the forest, in our camp site, and watched them play.

I have been camping with the same group of people for years now and I have begun to feel a consistent energy among them. Always excepting and kind, loving and compassionate. This camping trip was vastly different in a delightful expansive way. We all opened ourselves more than we thought could have happened. Frankly, I think most of us did not know we had anything more to open within us, but here we are forging new ties and expanding our boundaries. Sometimes change, though intimidating, allow vulnerabilities to come out in the open and be addressed. This is exactly what forest spirits provide to the surrounding atmosphere. Growth and change.

If any of you would like to come out and be a part of the experience, check out our events at . Our next trip out to Lake Anna, Virginia will be at the end of April 2018.

Many cultures have a variation of a forest spirit and they all go by different names, depending on what part of the world you are currently in. Below I have listed a number of examples for you to take a look through and to expand your research towards finding what fits for you.*

Other names for forest spirits are:
“Dryads”, and “Meliae” (the nymphs) in Greek mythology
“Hathor” or “Lady of the Sycamore” in Egypt
“Kodama” in Japan
“Lauma”, a woodland fae and spirit of trees in the Eastern Baltic
“Nang Ta-khian” in Thai folklore
“Pi-Fang” in China
“Rakapila” in Madagascar
“Sijou” in Nepal
“Tāne-mahuta” of the Maori mythology
“Herne the Hunter” in the Germanic mythology
“Aranyani” in Hindu mythology

The Celts on the other hand, did not have one name to represent the sacred tree spirits, they believed that all trees had sacred properties. There were certain types of trees however, located in specific territories that represented the five sacred Bíles of Ireland. Which were the Ash of Tortu, the Bole of Ross (a yew tree), the Oak of Mugna, and the Ash of Dathi.

The Native American Tribes have a list of their own, depending on location and tribal influence:
Atuwoskonikehs for the Maliseet
Bigfoot in various tribes.
Boqs in the Northwest Coast.
Chiye-Tanka for the Sioux
Makiawisug for the Mohican
Matekanis for the Lenape
Maxemista for the Cheyenne
Mikumwess for the Wabanaki
Puckwudgies for the Wampanoag
Sasquatch for the Coast Salish
Seatco for the Chehalis
Stick Indians for the Northwest Coast
Woodsman for the Alaskan Athabaskan
Woods Elves for the Sioux

Practically every culture has woodland spiritual influences entwined within it, and most people who have spent time in the woods have experiences with some form of forest spirit. I have mentioned in past blogs that I have had my own experiences regarding woodland spirits, and those memories continue to give me great comfort when needed. I would love to hear your experiences if you are willing to share them, email me anytime.

– A. Elise


*I would like to make a note that these are just some of the many spirits and deities that I have put on this post, I did not mean to exclude anyone. There are so many of them and we all come from such vast walks of life, there are plenty to choose from in your own spiritual journey. I highly recommend conducting your own search for what you connect with, and here are some of my sources;;;


We never really go away.

abstract_animals_man_star_galaxy_water_light_1440x900_hd-wallpaper-402569Everyone has a different theory on what happens after you pass on. Because I have obviously not yet passed on, I also have my own theory. I, as a psychic, only see glimmers of the afterlife through foggy windows, but from what I have seen – everything you thought (in a positive sense) is all true. It is what you need it to be. Physically you “cease to exist”, but you live on through your energy. You go to a place in which you feel you deserve. No one can tell you where you go, only you can determine it. That is why you must always be good to yourself. Give yourself a break now and again.

The best way I have heard it described was in the lyrics of a song by Atmosphere, a Minneapolis, Minnesota based hip-hop band. Yes, I am about to quote a hip-hop band when referring to life and death, just roll with it. The lyrics go, “A soul is a soul, and a shell is a shell, the boarder in between is full of everything you’ve felt.”

The interpretation that I found in these words are your soul is one thing, and your shell (meaning, your body) is another thing entirely. The only thing they have in common is a shared experience in your existence. Other than that, they are separate things. Once the shell (body) is shed, the soul goes on to other things, other lives, other experiences, and other forms of learning.

Think of the dandelion; it blooms big and full of color, but its seeds inside remain protected and growing until the very end. That is when the flower opens and allows the seeds to immerge and float away.  Think of the fluffy seeds being carried away in the wind as a representation of your soul. What happens to the flower when all of the seeds have floated away? The flower dies and becomes a part of the earth again, nourishing the soil for the next batch of flowers to bloom. It is just the cycle of life. We grow, we nourish our soul, once that job is done, we release it to go forth onto more soul nourishing experiences.

Now, the second part of the lyrics, “The boarder in between is full of everything you’ve felt.” That is the substance. That is what I mean by, ‘the only thing they [the shell and the soul] have in common is a shared experience in your existence’. Your existence is the very thing that connected the physical with the intangible. Isn’t that a beautiful thing? You should feel proud of yourself for being what you are. Your life, no matter how grand or simple, matters to the universe. Your soul grows with every life it leads, which means that you mean everything. Some people may, to the contrary, say that it could also mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I choose to go with “everything”. Without you…what would there be? An absence. No growth, no life, and no beauty. And you are beautiful.

That being said, you never really go away.

Is your loved one that has passed on still with you?

– Yes. They will always be with you. They may not be right next to you at all times, you may feel them around you sometimes and not so much in other times, but they are still there. If you asked them to be there for you when you needed them, they would be there, without a doubt. That little bit of hope that sits in the base of your stomach like a matchstick stubbornly staying lit. That is them. That is your loved ones. They protect your hope, even from you sometimes.

“Why don’t they show themselves when I ask them to come?”

– Well, if you were wanting someone to talk to, they are there listening already. They do not need to be seen for them to hear you. Also, souls are pure energy, they expel so much energy to make themselves seen to the average person (aka not a sensitive). That is why you may only see them when there is a life or death situation.

If there are any more questions you wish to be answered in regards to this, ask in the comments below.