“Salem, the Witches Holy Place!”

281169-Witch-CatIt all started for me with Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Don’t judge me too harshly, but kids didn’t really have much to go off of when it came to education of other religions. To be honest, Sabrina the Teenage Witch was at least somewhat positive, if only in the sense that it didn’t perpetuate the ‘witches worship satan’ thing. Which, in case you don’t know, Wiccans/Witches literally do not recognize satan as a real thing. Seriously.
One day, as an adult, I was channel surfing and happened to watch a few minutes of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Nostalgia, ya know? Then it dawned on me. It was like a light bulb was flicked on, or a connection was finally being realized. Their cat was named “Salem” in the show; after Salem, Massachusetts.
You guys, No. Stop it.
I am not a fan of feeding the “Witch Wars” epidemic, but we need to talk about this.
As a reminder of the history behind this place…you know…it’s the place where the Salem Witch trials took place. Where an entire town rallied behind a group of elementary school kids, to put 20 fellow grown ass adults TO DEATH. With no proof other than he said-she said.
I am just going to say it, and I guarantee people won’t agree with me, but I’m still going to say it. Witches (or anyone for that matter) going to Salem like they are going to a theme park is seriously messed up. Since we are on the subject anyway, people of the Wiccan community naming their animals Salem is super cringe-worthy too.
To put it in a bit more perspective, equating Salem to a holy place or “mecca” to a Witch is like saying Auschwitz is the holy land of all Jews. Just stop it. Super offensive, y’all.
Witches going there like it is a fun theme park, should recheck their perspective on history. What happened there not only got 20 people murdered (oh, sorry, “tried and found guilty”… on the basis of no factual information; just saying), but it also started a ripple throughout history that people of the community are still trying to get past. People still think absolutely absurd things like animal sacrifices and devil worship exist in the Wiccan/Witch/Pagan community. Now if people would do some actual research, they would find that it is like accusing Christians of worshiping Tony the Tiger from the Frosted Flakes box. It makes no sense and the perpetuation of this negative information is based on hearsay and fear-based lies.
As for me, I could never set foot in Salem, and you know why? Because I am a Psychic and death permeates that land. Not just the feeling of ‘natural’ death either, it is the kind that never had closure. That is the kind of death that lingers for generations. Then to make matters worse, mass amounts of people flock there, feeding to the energies that can never rest. It is like paving over a Native American Burial Ground in a classic horror movie, you’re just asking for trouble.
Once, while visiting family in New England, I drove close to Salem. I didn’t have time to stop and I admit I was curious, but what I felt while simply in the general area still makes me uneasy. To this day I still get nervous and anxious when I think about how I felt. The air was heavy, the fear leached into every old structure, and I could still hear them screaming about injustice. I stayed for the weekend in the next state over, but I still felt it.
Look, I am not saying that it is blasphemous to go to Salem, just keep in mind what horrible things happened there. Pay tribute in some way. The first thing you do when you visit a place like that is take more than a minute to morn, pay respects, and not just in a fleeting afterthought.
Regardless of what religion you practice or believe in, just remember that people once existed there and they were murdered for no proven reason.  Show some respect.
And no, it is not advisable to ask a friend whom you just found out is Wiccan, if they have ever been to Salem. Sure, they may be polite about it, but in the back of their mind they are wondering why you just asked if they have ever been to a mass burial ground where their people were tortured and executed. Are you getting the picture yet?
-A. Elise

What happens when a psychic meets their spouse.

The funny thing about life is that it only gives you what you should have at that moment. It doesn’t matter how much you know will happen, it will still take its time and happen when you least expect it.
I met my husband several times in casual settings over a span of several years. He was there, just waiting to be found, and there I was lost in my world of trying to be everything for everyone. In my defense, I still had a lot of ‘fixing’ to do for myself at that time. I had gotten used to putting my own needs aside in order to focus everything on my child, who deserved my utmost attention of course. But as my child grew and became more independent, the option of putting more time on myself came into fruition. I, stupidly, wanted someone to help me find meaning for myself again. As I am sure you all know too well, you can only give yourself meaning, no one could ever do it for you.
I meditated and studied, I forgave myself and healed, I put myself at a higher priority and learned self-care. My confidence rose, my stubbornness became more prevalent, and I began to realize I was not as wrong as I was told I was. Learning to trust yourself is very hard to do, but if you are consistent in it, you can essentially retrain your brain for the positive.
This well known quote says it perfectly; “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.”
Fast forward to me fixing my shit. I had decided that the only person limiting myself of finding “the one” was my inability to put myself out there. I literally made that realization a little over two weeks before the BBQ I attended, in which I gave my future spouse my number.
Now, I feel the need to note before I move on, that I had been having prophetic dreams for years up until this point. But even the most seasoned of psychics will tell you that not everything makes sense until it all comes together. That usually tends to happen in wonderful “ah-ha” moments of hindsight. Convenient, right? …I know, it drives me nuts too.
These dreams were always involving a man looking just like my spouse in stature, but slightly blurry in the face. The dreams stuck out to me because of how caring he was and how he treated me. In the insanity realm of dreams, so many things can go wrong, but no matter what happened he persisted with strength and patience. He was kind, he saw me for who I am, and he never turned away.
I knew on the very first date that he was “the one”. I told him everything about myself as bluntly as possible. He knew I was a single parent already, but what he didn’t know was that I am a psychic. I was going through course studies to become a priestess and an ordained minister. I told him about my continuing struggle with anxiety and my battle with PTSD from an abusive past, I told him that I was a work in progress, but I don’t take charity or pity. I told him that I am incredibly stubborn, weird, and obnoxious as all hell. He just nodded, saying nothing, until I had finished the worst sales pitch in the entire world. I concluded that I do not put up with bullshit and I don’t tolerate passive aggressiveness, be honest with me and I will always do the same for you.
He patiently waited until I was finished, then smiled and said, “Awesome. My mom’s house is haunted.”
Best. Response. Ever. He believed me, right from the beginning. As a person that has been continuously taught to doubt herself, having someone never question your knowledge was something special.
​I will tell you, having knowledge of the course of our relationship​ did not make dating any easier. Free will is always present and sometimes people get scared when things get a bit too real. Psychics don’t always know specific timelines either. For example, I could know that we will be married, but not know if it is within the next 3 years or within the next 20 years. Things happen and life is annoying like that sometimes. BUT, did I mention that I am stubborn? Yeah, well, I wasn’t walking away from this, so our life path was going to stay on track, especially if I had anything to say about it (which I regularly do). All those little hurdles that you encounter in relationships, we powered through them, and we got here.
It wasn’t always easy though, I don’t do well with anticipation. I like things blunt and apparent, that way I can fix what needs to be, and address everything else until both parties are satisfied. This was not one of those cases, my spouse had every right to take his time and make his decisions at his own pace. One day I was having a particularly hard time with it, I described that being a psychic and being in a lasting relationship was like the movie, “The Time Travelers Wife”. Except I play the role as the time traveler. Life gets super confusing when you see an event happening but do not see how or when it occurs.
Now, if I were to take all that I have just said and wrap it up in a nice bow, my simple answer would be, my soul recognized his kindness. For the first time in my life my heart, my head, and my soul all agreed.
A. Elise

Adventures, You Guys!

f495649de3cef5984225100bf1227e9fGuess what? I will be at a festival and you all can see me there! April 27th to the 30th, I will be attending a really fun Mountain Mysteries Festival in the woods of Madison, Virginia. A couple of girlfriends and I are launching a small business with our hand made goods, that we are incredibly proud of. I will be there ready to take on anyone that wishes to get readings or just to meet some really fun people around a big bonfire. We eat, dance, sing, and chase our kids around. It is a blast!

This past month has been incredibly hectic, with the business and a bunch of other personal things I have been attending to. I assure you my writing never stops, it just hasn’t made it to this forum yet, and it is still in my spiral notebooks just waiting to be broadcast to the world.

The spirits never stop visiting either of course. So here are a couple of my short stories of encounters with spirits.

The Blue Mailbox

Near to where I work there is a blue mailbox located on the side of the main road in a specific part of the campus. It is essentially the center of where people gather, needless to say, there is always activity in that location. Standing next to the blue mailbox is an older gentleman. He is Caucasian, grey short hair, and is in his mid-50’s. During his time in the physical plane he was a teacher, and even now finds observing others as they are learning and growing, to be a valuable part of his routine. He has not said anything to me yet, but I always greet him when I pass. It is very clear that teaching was a passion for him and still is, because he finds pride in watching training courses. He enjoys it when people do something unique in training and applauds individual thought. He was a greatly influential teacher during his time and if I really searched, I am sure I would find awards posted in his honor. I will find them by chance one day and know right away it is this same person, for now he will be the Man by the Blue Mailbox.

The Yellow House’s Neighbor

There are spirits that haunt a property in the general area in which I live. I drive by it practically every day and I have to make an effort not to look at the property when I do. Something dark has come over the land there and it took me a very long time to narrow down what it was. I still don’t really know, but I have a general idea. There are creatures that inhabit the property of this home, which most likely has caused the inhabitants to come on hard times, either financially or even by serious illnesses. These creatures feed off of the energy of the people living there, causing a terrible vacuum that only makes the surrounding property degrade over time. What is truly fascinating is that they seem to be contained to one plot only. The next door neighbor’s property is untouched and has distinctly positive energy by comparison.

The thing can only be described as looking like a decomposing emaciated human-like figure. It walks on both arms and legs, which are thin and long. It has no hair, grey skin, and their spine seems to jut out in a way that makes it look like it will tear through the skin at any moment. I never got a good look at its face (thankfully), but by silhouette its features seemed vacant and dark, like that of a skull. It is in a perpetual state of seeking sustenance.

I spent weeks trying to research what this creature could be. It turns out that many different cultures have variations of this creature, but majority will call it a Wendigo.

It is essentially a version of an Incubus, which lives off of energy of another being, eventually consuming the being all together. Some people call it cannibalism, but in a spirit form if cannot feed off of flesh. It dwells in forests and unkempt land where negative historical events have tainted the earth.

I must note that these are NOT common. This is literally the very first one I have ever come across. There is no purpose for me to mess with it or get near it. This type of negative earth spirit needs to be ignored and respected. Stay away unless you have no other choice but to confront it. I have no responsibility or right to this persons land or life, quite frankly, it is none of my business. Therefore I will be staying out of it.

I am not knocking psychics that will try to help others, that sounds admirable, but unless I am specifically asked by an individual….K THNX BYE. Hard pass you guys. I admit it, that stuff is scary.

Anyways, those are some of my fun adventures. I hope you have a lovely weekend everyone.

A. Elise


Indigo is not an excuse.

animals-backgrounds-cats-galaxy-Favim.com-3844593Welcome to another wonderful installment of how I embrace my community of weirdo’s while also telling people to not “make it weird”. Confusing, right? Yes, I’m aware. So let’s roll with the confusion and dive right into one more weird subject.

Anyone ever heard of Indigo Children? Look it up, it is super bizarre.

Now that you know that info, guess who has two thumbs and is an Indigo… This chick right here, Me. *applause sarcastically*

A lot of people read up on this stuff and try to pin point who is the indigo in their family. Guys, I hate to break it to you, but being an indigo is not exactly a good thing. Just look at these characteristics…

  • Strong willed
  • Born in 1978 or later
  • Headstrong
  • Creative, with an artistic flair for music, jewelry making, poetry, etc.
  • Prone to addictions
  • An “old soul” as if they’re 13 going on 43
  • Intuitive or psychic, possibly with a history of seeing angels or deceased people
  • An isolationist, either through aggressive acting-out or through fragile introversion
  • Independent and proud, even if they’re constantly asking you for money
  • Possess a deep desire to help the world in a big way
  • Wavers between low self-esteem and grandiosity
  • Bores easily
  • Has probably been diagnosed as having ADD, ADHD, or some form of learning disability
  • Prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, or difficulty/fear of falling asleep
  • Has a history of depression, or even suicidal thoughts or attempts
  • Looks for real, deep, and lasting friendships
  • Easily bonds with plants or animals

Sure, some of those things sound super nifty, but come on, most of them sound like a complete pain in the ass. Am I saying that I, myself, am a pain in the ass? YES. I am not easy to live with, just ask any member of my close friends or family. All of those things essentially mean that an indigo is sad while being happy, is fiercely independent to a fault, doesn’t let people in, but if they do, you are stuck with us FOREVER. Stubbornness, can’t sleep, but kind -of never stops dreaming, wants to save the world, but also knows how their life will play out… so saving the world is a bit futile. You see the confusion?

Do you all see the pattern yet? It is a double edged sword with everything.

My advice is if you find that your child may be an indigo, don’t allow that to be a crutch for when things get hard, find ways to work with it. Adaptability is very important for survival and to be able to control your secret oddities only makes you more powerful. If social situations are hard, do not get into the habit of blaming it on parts of yourself that are unique. Being different is not an excuse not to try. Being different is not an excuse not to learn. Being different is not an excuse to give up on the unknown. Get out there, make mistakes, laugh at yourself, pull up your courage, and try again.

There are many things that I am “out and proud” with, but being an indigo is not one of them. Have you read about Jada and Will Smith’s kids, Jaden and Willow? Some of the things they talk about sounds simply unworldly, like they were raised on an alien planet. They are indigo’s! (I do not have documentation on this, but simply making a personal observation.) I read the conversations they had about philosophy and quantum theory, and the media just tears them apart, making them sound like they have lost their minds. They aren’t. Their brains just work at a completely different level, making connections that most can’t even fathom.

The scary and embarrassing part is – I am going to put myself out there now – I understood every word they said. There. I said it. They made sense to me and frankly it was refreshing to hear that kind of free thinking. My mind isn’t necessarily blown away by the conversation, but that kind of thinking is what I have to hide from “normal” conversation for fear of being seen as completely insane.

My advice to others; Just keep in mind that just because you may not understand something doesn’t mean it is weird. All I ask of you is to keep an open mind when you encounter someone that looks at the world differently.

My advice to fellow indigo’s; While I want you to feel proud of who you are and to love yourself, remember that not everyone is ready to receive information you are giving. Don’t ignore the signs when you see someone isn’t ready. Be patient. People are moving forward and there is a time and place for letting out your true self.

Being an indigo is a blessing and curse…..and simply weird, but whatever! Who cares, let your freak flag fly. If you’d like to have a conversation about the theory of time, aliens, or the density of atoms in energy versus the physical body – come chat with me. Lets be confusing and weird together.

~A. Elise

You know what…I got this.

tumblr_lv8nlcvpxa1qjoitxo1_500Next month will mark 3 years since my Grandfather passed away. For most people, when a person close to them passes, that means you do not see them anymore. For a psychic, not so much.

My grandfather was the closest thing I had to a father figure – in the sense that he supported me emotionally, listened to me, never made me feel unusual, genuinely loved spending time with me, and a million other feelings that I couldn’t begin to explain to you all in an adequate amount of time. He taught me to love myself and he was the first male feminist influence I ever had, whether he knew it or not. We may not have agreed on everything, but we sure as heck respected each other for our opinions. He could also take a good amount of playful criticism, which I appreciate to this day.

The transition from living person to spirit form is a complex one, but is so much more than just a loss of a physical vessel. The spirits personality stays in tact, but the prejudices, societal construct and pressures that are taught to you throughout your life, can actually ‘melt’ away. A soul is left bearing only the base parts of their being, leaving it inherently positive or negative, depending on who you are on that level. In conclusion, if you are a good person deep down, that is what you are left with once the physical is stripped away. Which can mean the reverse is also true, but that is a conversation for another day.

All that being said, my grandfather is not gone and he follows me around quite a bit.

He has become the part of my conscious that influences the fight in me. He is the one that tells me, “I know darling, but that is enough crying, time to get up and fix it.” It is actually quite funny to express this to you all because of the outward appearance of the man. He was, for lack of a better term, a handsome nerd. He was smart as hell, sure, but he wore horned rimmed glasses, new all about computers before computers were even ‘a thing’, acted in the local theater, and could play the piano better than anyone I have ever known. Now, he made this look good and never gave a crap about what others thought of him, it was just him. This just made the puzzle that was him all the more fantastical.

From my previous article, “The story of Keith“, you all are aware that my spirit guide is a huge and ‘scary’ tattooed man that exudes peace. Keith’s advice consists of passivity, like a gentle giant that wouldn’t think of hurting a fly. Then you have my 5’9” grandfather, with his thick military-issued horned-rimmed glasses telling me that I am strong and capable of taking on anything I put my mind to. Essentially issuing a battle cry! It goes without saying that it is the most humorous thing you can imagine. But that gives you a glimpse of why I have always enjoyed living my life outside of the ‘typically assumed’ spectrum. Just saying, never judge a book by it’s cover.

Anyway, he stays close to me these days. There are so many things in my life that I once held back from him, but now he sees it all, and I wonder why I could never confide these things to him. It doesn’t really matter much anymore though, he is in the middle of everything now. He hugs me when I am half asleep, he sits in the car with me when I have to do my long commutes. He tells me when I am wrong, and then when I am right. He tells me to stay my ground when all my instincts tell me to run. He is there for me when having everything I ever wanted leaves me terrified, he tells me that I deserve the best and am worthy of great things.

You would think that having your family member hanging around you all the time would get awkward, trust me when I say it doesn’t. Respectful spirits leave you alone during times that you wish it, and my grandfather is one of those spirits. Truly good people/spirits will not even hesitate to accommodate you during your most vulnerable moments. Aside from that, spirits are like children in the way that they are innocent. Urges that the physical body promotes within you do not apply when in spirit form. There are no bodily chemicals or hormones driving you to do or need. It is a freedom that brings about a peaceful wisdom without fear or anger. It is truly a remarkable feeling.

I feel the need to have a disclaimer, of sorts, in here. If, at any time, you feel that a spirit is not abiding by your wishes, cut off all communication with them. They can not approach you if you do no wish it. The only power spirits have over you is the power you allow them to have. If any entity or spirit does not listen to you when you say no, or even gives you a feeling of unease, banish it from your space. When I say the word “banish”, I don’t mean go pay some local eclectic shop owner to do a complex spell for you. I mean tell the spirit or entity that they are not allowed around you anymore. Say it out loud and feel it deep into your core, then feel free to forget about them completely. In fact, the less you dwell on it, the less power that energy has over you. No exceptions either, define your comfort level, then do not allow those lines to be tested or crossed. You would be amazed how this actually helps you in your day-to-day relationships with others in physical form as well.

To anyone that ever had (or still has) a person that makes you feel the way my grandfather does, cherish it. If they have passed, know they are never truly gone as long as you need them. They stay with you and guide you through hard times. They celebrate the good times alongside you. Trust me, I see the dead y’all.

-A. Elise